Saturday, August 3, 2019

Why is this blog even here?

I forgot why I opened this account!
I forget its original purpose!

The thing I may try now is to "freelance write".. not expecting the big bucks like the internet searches assure me. But; even $5 a week would make some impact in my life.

I will have to think up some clever way of making this stuff "unique". Poem-reviews aren't reaaaaaaaaaaally in high demand.

I just know it's a useless skill so far. I would love to work on it, make it a profitable thingy for myself.. but realistically I'm expecting this to be exciting for a week, and promptly forgotten and abandoned. Just like all my stay at home job plans...

90% of the pay-for-writing "jobs" online appear to be you-pay-thems more.

I recall reading an article that one should use their true author's voice as their guide; I can't tell if one ought to be formal and feign education.. or let it all hang in slang.

What IS more befitting of an online blogger wannabe?

So; why is this here?

I was a jerk several years ago, and nabbed this prime blog URL.

 I'm sorry to anyone who would've used the shit outta this title!

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